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Geneva Human rights Committee questions government on ban imposed on Lanka e-News


(Lanka-e-News- 08.Oct.2014, 11.00PM) Arya Siebert For, a member of the UN human rights committee stated, she has received information that news websites such as Lanka e-News and ‘Sri Lanka Mirror’ as well as other news websites which post news regarding Sri Lanka (SL) have been banned in that country. Since there is no clear indication on what legal basis the bans have been imposed and the grounds are obscure, she had requested the SL representatives to give an elucidation and explanation in that regard.



Ms.Siebert Forr raised this issue when the human rights situation in SL was assessed at the 112th session held on 12th and 13th October at the High Commission office pertaining to human rights at the UN, Geneva, Switzerland.

Human rights committee which is comprised of independent specialists of countries which are signatories to the international pact. These specialists are appointed to probe ways and means to implement the agreement concerning civil and political rights.


years . these reports are presented every four rule, As a implemented . are bound to forward reports daily to the Committee on how the pertinent rights have been pactThe states that are parties to this


The committee examines the reports individually, and sends them to the states that are parties to the pact with its recommendations and quoting examples. In addition, under section 41 of the pact

, there are provisions for one state to lodge complaints internationally in relation to another state. Moreover , the committee is empowered to conduct inquiries  rights . violations concerning civil and political pact, of alias first optional protocol linked to the international organisation into complaints made by the Sates ( signatories) to the first optional


The Human rights committee meets in Geneva and generally holds three sessions annually. The Committee on 7

th and 8th October is examining the fifth covering report presented by SL, a member state of the pact in connection with civil and political

rights, and how the committee can translate them into action.

The SL government is due to give answers in a short while. We shall give you an up- date soon. 





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